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--> 知らなかった! ブリュイアンの謎/The Personal Business PlanA Blueprint for Running Your Life【電子書籍】[ Stephen Bruyant-Langer ]

知らなかった! ブリュイアンの謎

TOP > The Personal Business PlanA Blueprint for Running Your Life【電子書籍】[ Stephen Bruyant-Langer ]

The Personal Business PlanA Blueprint for Running Your Life【電子書籍】[ Stephen Bruyant-Langer ]

<p><strong>Plan for success</strong></p> <p>No one would embark on a business venture without a thorough and coherent plan. So why are so many of us happy to stagger through life with no real plan ? just going with the flow, seeing what happens? It’s time we gave our lives the same importance we give to our business exploits. <em>The Personal Business Plan</em> offers a practical, field-tested method for effectively planning out what you want from life and exactly how to achieve it. It will change the way you look at yourself, your job and your career. This is an essential toolkit for all ambitious career professionals who want to know how to thrive in their job and simultaneously become a happier and more effective person. Creating your own personal business plan will help you to define your purpose, plan your actions, break through limiting beliefs and reinvent yourself.</p> <ul> <li>Written by a top executive coach and head-hunter with the world’s leading Talent Management and Executive Search firm who has changed the lives of thousands of people</li> <li>A field-tested methodology for identifying your mission, setting your critical success criteria, defining your agenda, keeping to the point and become more fulfilled and happier</li> <li>A complete life view ? how to excel in your chosen career and simultaneously enjoy a happy personal life</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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